Sunday, August 11, 2019

RISK MANAGEMENT & EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIIPS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

RISK MANAGEMENT & EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIIPS - Essay Example â€Å"Risks need to be properly identified, evaluated and addressed† (Sharp, 2009). Managers of the companies focus properly on identifying and assessing the risks, which the companies are likely to face at some point in future employee security, workplace safety, and computer systems security. An effective and well-organized mechanism is required in order to analyze the risks while achieving the balance between identified risks and the operational necessities of the companies. Let us now talk about employee relationships. Employee relationships refer to the efforts to maintain good relationships among employees of a company. The importance of maintaining employee relationships relates to its contribution in the success of a company. There is a specific employee relations department in most of the companies, which assists concerned authorities in different matters, such as, job training, mediation, employee support, and handling misconduct complaints. It is the responsibility of the employee relations department of a company to foster healthy and resourceful relationships between employees in order to make them productive for the company. Prior to this class, I would have handled the risk management and employee relationships issues somewhat differently that I can do it now as the manager of employee relations department. I would not have made a good use of my skills and abilities required to perform my job. This class made me aware of my exact roles and responsibilities as the manager. Before I took this class, I did not have a clear idea of the exceptions to the employment-at-will. I was not fully aware of three key issues, which included public policy, implied contract, and good faith and fair dealing. After the class, I became aware of the concept of employment-at-will properly. Without having an understanding of these concepts, I

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