Monday, August 26, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 220

Assignment Example In particular, the responsibilities and roles of Congress and the Executive Branch in matters relating to defense acquisition, have been an eye opener (Kramer, 2012). In addition, I have come to appreciate the role played by Congress in matters of defense and particularly its role in determining whether the U.S goes to war and if it does, the amount to be set aside for defense in the budget. I have been able to have a deeper comprehension of the Budget and its influence on not only the military, but also on other sectors of the economy which has made me realize the importance of the Presidency. Since the President sets the agenda for the country, I have come to realize that big differences in the military can be altered by an individual winning the presidency. The influence of the presidency cannot be understated and this has made me have a deeper appreciation for national politics, since they have a great impact on policy. A lot of times, people overuse the term life-changing experience, but I am certainly not one of those people. The work and discussions held in class have indeed made me a better student and a far more informed individual. For instance, I now comprehend that masculinity and machismo in the military is not how wars are won, but through logistical planning and management which is aided by technology. According to Barrington et al., the role of technology in the military cannot be ignored any longer. The use of drones and other computerized airstrikes are what sets the U.S from all the other countries in the world. Our military supremacy is primarily due to our strong economy and our superior logistics warfare management. As indicated, the role of the U.S economy is fundamental to the success of the military. A closer analysis of this role has been informative and particularly the relationship between the impacts of the U.S economy on

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