Monday, August 12, 2019

Horse Fighting in Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Horse Fighting in Asia - Essay Example These fighting are conducted in stadiums or in the fields of different villages. Mostly, they are done in less populated areas. However in case of populated areas it is conducted on local road tracks, which may be harmful for citizens as well. That is why I have chosen this topic to study its context and history as well as analyzing it basis of how this game came into existence. 1.2 Horse fighting This sport is common in all parts of Asia. Horses are mainly used in fighting, kicking and biting in order to create entertainment and have a financial gain. This is mostly practiced in the countries which have more tourists each year. These people spend a lot to gain pleasure and try to earn money which leads to gambling on horse fighting. This practice is illegal one cannot harm other living being for entertainment or to have more money. There are many other ways to have these two things rather than conducting this sport. Horse fighting also involves a process and technique. Firstly, a ma re is binged by injection of hormones. Then she is taken out tied with roped and as well as padded for couple of minutes so that they can pick her scent. Then the two stallions are released and they start fighting with each other, while mare stands at a distance. It is continued for several minutes, horses keep on biting and kicking each other, unless and until one goes out of the ring. If one does not get out of ring, it can lead to death of any one. These fights are conducted on daily basis and lead to bloody wounds on the body of horses every time when they enter in a race. This is very unhealthy and risky game for their life. It have been noted that most of the horses die after the fight or they are slaughtered for meat and are shot dead if they are unable to do fighting (Amschler Wolfgang, 1935). Horses are graceful, social and intelligent creatures that don’t fight among each other. Studies indicated that when horses are shown care and are given safe and healthy environ ment, in result they become a strong bond with human beings. They can help in many social activities. However, involving horses in fight with each other is against the nature. History is past, today in this modern world one should try to make best use of all resources rather than wasting them. Training and development Horses are trained for fights on the basis of a manual of war among horses which was written by Hittite horse master in 1350 BC. This was one of the earliest manual written on horses and is in practice till today. The most difficult part in training horses is to overcome its natural instinct to flee the smell of blood, from noise and confusion related to combat. It is also made to learn unusual movement of humans and fighting with the other horse. They are made to hurt other horse though kicking, biting and striking thus they are made to serve as a weapon. It is important to develop agility and balance in the horse while fighting with the other. So in this training and development program horses are made to learn all acts of fighting (Matt Van Hoven, 2008). 1.3 Historical perspective and analysis Horse fighting is a sport since 500 years back and is mainly done by Indonesia, China, South Korea, and Philippines. It is a

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