Sunday, September 29, 2019

Theory of Cognitive Development and Commitment Scores

PsychSim 5: Conception to Birth 27 PsychSim 5: CONCEPTION TO BIRTH Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________ This activity will help you understand the sequence of prenatal development. Fertilization †¢ Of the 200 to 400 million sperm cells released in a typical ejaculation, approximately how many do you think will reach the ovum? _____ 100 _____ 3000 _____ 100,000 _____ 1,000,000 Section: ________________________ Germinal Phase †¢ Briefly describe the main features of this phase of development. Embryonic Phase †¢ Briefly describe the main features of this phase of development.Fetal Phase †¢ Briefly describe the main features of this phase of development. Summary †¢ Now that you have viewed the entire sequence of prenatal development, what do you think are the most important themes of development during these 38 weeks? PsychSim 5: Cognitive Development 25 PsychSim 5: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Name: _________ _________________________________ Date: __________________________________________ This activity describes Piaget’s theory of the growth of intelligence and simulates the performance of three children of different ages on some of Piaget’s tasks.Schemas †¢ What are schemas? Section: ________________________ †¢ Explain the difference between assimilation and accommodation. †¢ Suppose that a 15-month-old toddler has learned to call the four-legged house pet a â€Å"doggie. † What do you think would happen if the child sees a horse for the first time? Is the child likely to call the horse a â€Å"horsie† or a â€Å"doggie† or a â€Å"doggie-horse† or some other term? Write your best guess in the space below, and add a sentence explaining why you think the child would use that term to refer to the horse.Stages of Development †¢ What are some characteristics of a child in the sensorimotor stage of development? What is object pe rmanence? †¢ What are some cognitive limitations of preschoolers? What is egocentrism? †¢ A child in the concrete operations stage can reason differently than can a child in the sensorimotor stage. For example, if shown two identical balls of clay, one of which has been rolled into a rope, an older child (in the concrete operational period) might decide that the ball and the rope both have the same amount of clay.What kinds of reasoning do you think the older child might use to draw that conclusion? 26 PsychSim 5: Cognitive Development Measures of Mental Operations †¢ What are some differences in mental operations among the three children in the conservation of number/checkers task? †¢ What are some differences in mental operations among the three children in the conservation of liquid/water glass task? †¢ What are some differences in mental operations among the three children in the seriation/sticks task? What are some differences in mental operations among the three children in the seriation without visible objects/word problem task? 28 PsychSim 5: Who Am I? PsychSim 5: WHO AM I? Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________ This activity will help you understand Erik Erikson’s perspective on identity formation, as well as James Marcia’s four steps or stages in the identity process. Your Results †¢ What was your exploration score? ___________ †¢ What was your commitment score? ___________ Paths to Identity Achievement †¢ How did Erikson define identity achievement? What combination of exploration and commitment scores are seen? Section: ________________________ †¢ What is diffusion? What combination of exploration and commitment scores are seen? †¢ What is foreclosure? What combination of exploration and commitment scores are seen? †¢ What is moratorium? What combination of exploration and commitment scores are seen?Marcia’s Identit y Status Model †¢ After considering your identity status classification based on the initial questionnaire, do you believe that your classification was accurate? †¢ Which of Marcia’s four statuses best fits you right now? †¢ Why you would not classify yourself as being in the other three statuses? PsychSim 5: Signs of Aging 29 PsychSim 5: SIGNS OF AGING Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________ In this activity you will explore the main aspects of physical aging.Aging Begins in Early Adulthood †¢ What distinctions do researchers find between primary and secondary aging? Section: ________________________ Aging and Appearance †¢ List four changes in appearance experienced with aging: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sensory Changes †¢ List the two senses most significantly affected by aging: 1. 2. Physical Functioning †¢ Name two of the changes in physical functioning experienced during aging: 1. 2. Conclusio n: Making the Most of Each Stage †¢ How will you feel about the changes that aging brings? Which of the changes will bother you the most?

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